Here are a couple of portals to guided self-placement
Portland State
University of Colorado at Boulder
Although these links were password protected, I was able to locate contact names and phone numbers from both colleges. I left email and voice messages with both colleges.
Portland State: Freshman Writing Placement Questionnaire
Requires a PSU computing account. I left a message with Director of Undergraduate Advising and Support Center, Mary Ann Barham (503) 725-5471
Here are some additional phone numbers to use in case this doesn't work out:
(503) 725-4005 (Undergraduate Advising and Support Center)
(503) 725-3822 (CLAS)
(503) 725-4357 Log in Help
I also learned that Portland State does not require any writing course for graduation, but recommends it for electives.
University of Colorado at Boulder
Admission Counselor for Arizona: Adam Becenti (303) 492-1223
Directed Self Placement
Testing Services (GRE, LSAT etc) (303) 492-6970
English Department (303) 492-7381
Renzia (pronounced Ren-cha) Benninger (303) 492-6434 (left message)
English Department was unaware that they have a Directed Self-Placement exam.